Wanted: SavvyCAN HowTo

6 posts were split to a new topic: SavvyCAN with a 2003 Toyota Corolla?

7 posts were split to a new topic: SavvyCAN always shows status as “Not Connected”

Yeah, sorry, the documentation is lacking. The problem open source developers (well, any developers) face is that everything takes time. I can either fix bugs and add features or document the features that already exist. In a larger company you have some people who code and some people who write documentation so that makes it easier.

But, recently I did have someone who has used the program for months but yet didn’t know about a pretty basic feature. That kind of clued me in that there are only about 2, maybe 3 people who know about most of the features in SavvyCAN. That’s no good. I’ll have to try to prioritize more videos to explain things. I once got into writing help file documentation too.

No problem. We should appreciate that you have been improving the SavvyCan continuously. Now, I am watching some of your old videos in the youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPcrpQwnNJc).

I am also wondering if it is possible to record GPS signal connected through the 26 pin header while using M2RET. Now, I can capture frames using M2RET and view using SavvyCan.

Well, I suppose it’d be possible to capture GPS input but the firmware isn’t coded to read it so you’d have to add that. It doesn’t seem to be a super common request so it couldn’t be high up on my list of things to add at this point.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Issue with CAN logging a 2007 Volvo c70

A post was split to a new topic: SavvyCAN/M2RET not working with my bench

3 posts were split to a new topic: Possible issue using M2RET with benches but not cars

how do you get m2 and savvycan working? do i need to install anything onto the m2? and if i do how?

Please go to http://docs.macchina.cc/ and follow the docs…

Yes but the docs on the macchina website do not show you how to install M2RET.

hey @kobyanthony - we’ll work on this and add it to the docs.

In the mean-time, Step 1: if you only want to use M2RET/SavvyCan, Collin was kind enough to create a script to flash M2 without compiling anything. Here is a link to that:


You may need to install drivers for this to work. If you install the Arduino IDE, those drivers will come along with it.

Step 2: From there, install SavvyCan from one of the 4 links from http://savvycan.com/ below this heading:

Links to all of the binary versions (Updated Nov 09 2017 - Version 180)

Let us know if you get stuck.

2 posts were split to a new topic: How do I install an under-the-dash M2 under-the-hood?

Hi @josh,

I have tried the links you provided:


But it seems that I can flash the firmware into m2:

for file in /dev/tty.usbmodem*
 stty -f $file 1200 cs8 cread clocal
./bossac -e -w -v -b M2RET.ino.bin

Device found on cu.usbmodem1411
Erase flash
Write 90936 bytes to flash
[==============================] 100% (356/356 pages)
Verify 90936 bytes of flash
[==============================] 100% (356/356 pages)
Verify successful
Set boot flash true

But I’ve tried to plug m2 into the ODBII under the dash, there isn’t any data send through. I’ve looked at the arduino serial monitor already, no data flow through at all. Maybe I did something wrong or is a faulty board :frowning:


Just got some data from the board,

But still, when I tried to connect it to my car, nothing else is showing up except the data in the device console.

You’ll have to tell us what car you are trying this on. Unfortunately, it is becoming more common on newer vehicles for them to segment the OBDII port out onto it’s own bus such that you get no traffic on it unless you send a request to the ECU for info. Then it’ll send the reply back and that’s it. The OBDII port can be very quiet on some vehicles.

Oh, maybe that is the reason why.

My car is Subaru impreza 2017.

For the request to the ECU, is that a standardized request or it is a manufacture custom request?

Well, kind of both. There is a standard - OBDII PID codes over CAN. But, manufacturers are free to color outside the lines quite a bit. They can add all sorts of custom requests and then require huge sums of money to tell people what they are. Obviously, open source developers don’t have that kind of money and can’t sign an NDA to not release the codes so we’re stuck with what people have figured out on their own and the standard codes. You could try the UDS scanner window in SavvyCAN to see if any ECUs respond on the normal IDs of 0x7E0 to 0x7E7.

Cool, I will try to test that on the car tonight after work. Thank you for the info sir.

Hi Collin,

I have the same issue, nothing is shown I tested it on a Mercedes GLE350 from 2016 and a Mitsubishi Truck. Nothing is shown in the window. The cheap dongles from ebay all show data on both vehicles tested only the M2 with Savvycan shows connected but no data coming through. I did the UDS scanner and there is no reply from any device on the vehicle. Also in the Arduino monitor mode I do not see traffic coming from the vehicle.
Device console shows data as shown by kiddkai.

Can you help on that?


Did you install the M2ret software onto your M2?