There CURRENTLY is no utility to map out J1850 responses.
SavvyCAN is only for canbus stuff and won’t work with J1850 or anything other than CAN.
You need to either build your own program to strip out the responses, do it manually or plug into a spread sheet and do comparisons. You CAN do a sort of rows based on what is in them so you can sort a log into like commands and go that route. With no real software to do this for you this is the best route. Your logging software should be able to group stuff together and go that route.
I may be able to get something together that will make this easier after my finals this and next week. Something to at least make the library useful. Shouldn’t be too hard to make an M2 logger that can make a spread sheet importable data file (.CSV). Then you just drop the CSV into your favorite spreadsheet program and sort them.
I have to reference my materials to decode the data structure then create the lines with that structure in place and go from there.
MAY be able to write to the SDcard as well but haven’t played with that yet.