Hologram Cell Service

Hey has anyone used the Hologram IoT Cell Service yet? Also any tips/guides on how to get the SIM to provision? I don’t where to set the APN and what Function Set is actually required.

Somewhat related to Cell Modem Firmware Upgrade

Glad you asked - we’ve got Telit, Hologram AND Digi all working on getting this to work as we speak. As soon as we get some instructions for how to make this work, we’ll post it.

In the mean-time, if you want to use a different (i.e. not free) SIM card, here are the suggestions from Digi:


So I found a few interesting reference points last night that might be of use:

  • HologramSIMCOM - HologramSIMCOM is a library that makes it easier to interact with Hologram’s Cloud using cellular modules from SIMCOM. SIMCOM 2G/3G modules are some of the most popular and affordable GPRS/GSM modules on the market.
  • Hologram Reference

I have been able to successfully use the hologram sim with the Macchina M2 and Digi Xbee Cellular 3G. the Hologram sim still does not work with the new 4G Digi modem. SMS can communicate with the device. I can do this from my phone or the Hologram dashboard. Where I am stuck at now is getting the M2 to report to the Hologram Cloud. I can’t seem to make to connection. Thoughts?

Hey, that’s great to hear you got the 3G modem working. The 4G issue could be caused by a couple things. The one that Hologram could help with would be related to old 3G sims that have not had 4G enabled. Emailing support@hologram.io with your SIM number and asking to verify if 4G is enabled should clear up the issue.

As for communicating to the Hologram Cloud, you’d need to open a TCP connection to Holorgam’s streaming server.
IP: ""
Port: “9999”

Then send a message in the following format:

"{\"k\": \"" + devicekey + "\", \"d\": \"" + message + "\"}\r\n"