I downloaded SavvyCAN, but it constantly crashes on Windows 10. It has issues with actually communicating on the CAN bus, sometimes providing no data even when it says its connected. Additionally, it is difficult to actually use since it doesnt support HighDPI displays.
Additionally, the playback function does not work very well. It does not send out the messages nearly at the same speed that they were received (especially when filtering messages, and trying to play back only tach signals, for example) which results in odd behavior. One would expect a playback to occur at the exact same speed it was receive (and M2 should be fast enough to allow this, if it can read at the right speed). I have an i7 with 32GB RAM, and proc never goes above 8%, so I know it’s not my PC.
At any rate, is there any better Windows software available? Since I have a Windows PC, I have had issues getting SocketCAN to work with Linux.