This device has sparked my interest seeing that it has the possibility of being connected to so many buses: SWCAN, 2xCAN, LIN.
I am interested in buying one but first I want to make sure I can get it to do what I want. I will be connecting all its ports to my GM vehicle. I would like to have the M2 record every piece of data (can frames) from all connected ports and send them to a computer running either Windows or Linux (haven’t decided yet). I will also be sending back data from the computer to the M2 which it would then replay on the relevant bus.
My concern is whether or not the M2 is able to do this in real time and, if it is, what sort of communication would be suitable between the M2 and the computer, is it able to push this much data through its USB port? I know there are WiFi shields but I would really prefer a wired connection.
Finally, I am new to this forum and to this product. I have tried searching around but, being that there are so many topics, I wan’t really able to find much so excuse me if this information is already out there. Thanks!