Well, M2 users are probably the largest user base for SavvyCAN right now. So, you heard it here first, a new version of SavvyCAN just got released after many months of no updates.
It should be more stable, there’s actual help files now (F1 is your friend), some more features, more file formats for loading and saving, some stuff was fixed that previously was broken. I got a 4K monitor so I tested out font scaling and I can use SC with a 4K monitor now without squinting. Extra secret hush feature - you can connect to SavvyCAN over TCP/IP now. Does this work with the M2? Well, not yet. But it will. So some day you’ll be able to put the thing in your car and connect SavvyCAN wirelessly. This should be possible with the new Macchina ESP32 board that goes on the XBee slot or you could use an XBee wifi module. At the moment you can’t do either so good things come to those who wait.
It might not be a bad idea to install to a different folder than your previous install just in case I did anything dumb. There are a ton of changes and other than me only some people who compiled it themselves have tested these things. YMMV, talk to your doctor before starting SavvyCAN or stopping suddenly, objects may look closer in mirror.