SAM-BA operation failed

Hi guys, just got my Kickstarter board in the mail today, and tried doing the setup and Blink demo. I have the M2 appearing under COM3 on windows, and have the Arduino IDE recognizing it. When I attempt to upload the blink sketch though, I am getting an error.

Arduino: 1.6.12 (Windows 10), Board: “Arduino Due (Programming Port)”

Sketch uses 22,124 bytes (4%) of program storage space. Maximum is 524,288 bytes.

Atmel SMART device 0x285e0a60 found
SAM-BA operation failed
An error occurred while uploading the sketch

Thoughts? I see there is a M2 and M2 (Beta) options under Tools->Board, but the Getting Started Wiki talked about using the Ardunio Due (Programming Port)

Setting board to “Machhina M2” and then unplugging and plugging in the USB after every upload of a new sketch seems to get it functional.

Yes you can not use the standard Due setup. It is a variant from that. There is some work ongoing to make it more obvious but I am not sure where that is going yet.

You can successfully compile and run sketches on the M2 while pretending it is an Arduino Due but you CANNOT do so by using the programming port. Never, ever, select that port. You must use the native port if you expect it to work. Even then, there are digital I/O differences between the Due and M2 and you are much better off using the M2 board files and compiling that way.

Do you know where that was at? That would help in getting it updated.

The blink example sketch should be safe to upload after compiling for Aruduino Due (Native USB Port) (I’ve done it) though it won’t actually do anything unless you modified th sketch to use the right pin numbers. If you have to unplug every time with that, then the unplugging is a thing with your system. If you don’t, then there is a chance there is something that could be changed with the Macchina board configurations so that you wouldn’t need to unplug every time.