Hello all. I was interested in being able to send and recieve CAN data over the internet, in near or at real-time, for pulling DTCs remotely. From what I’ve gathered, this is a multi-layered problem dealing with not just hardware, but packing CAN frames into TCP/UDP packets and then having some kind of server for processing.
I have found no off-the-shelf hardware and software solution for something as simple as scanning a car remotely. The tech exists, and I know of many large diagnostic companies who use it, but nothing in the open source community.
To be clear, I don’t need to do anything but transport these can messages across the web. I don’t need any decoding/reading of these messages, and the scan tool protocols should handle that part.
Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction? Or maybe offer a basic roadmap of this project? I come from a C#/ASP.NET background, and of course automotive electrical diagnostics (at the repair level not design/engineering) There’s alot I’m still learning, and just don’t really know where to begin.