You need a break out board. I am doing this currently with my M2 interface board and the J1850VPW for a project I am working on.
The reason in my case is there is a Mega library that already works and it will work with the M2 Interface board. I will be converting the driver in my case to work on the M2 but it is nice to be able to use the Library as is temporarily until I get that worked in.
You may want to check out the PocketBeagle Beta board project for an easier way to accomplish this. While a Pocket Beagle is not the same thing it does do the same sort of thing.
One of my goals for my summer of programming is to build the M2 stock hardware to support Lawicel 2.0. Lawicel 1 is the protocol that specifies the SocketCAN protocol. Lawicel 2.0 allows for similar action for any other protocol. However no utilities that I am aware of CURRENTLY support anything other than CANBUS unless custom built.
Once the M2 base software is able to communicate full Lawicel 2.0 it will be much easier to modify the current open source software to support it. But not something that will be done this week for sure.