Quickstart examples


I’ve recently received my Macchina and wanted to get started with something safe, eg. SD card logger of some car data. Even in rough form, something very basic to demonstrate the board’s function and test.

While looking for some sort of quickstart reference (except the one which explains how to install Macchina board support into Arduino) I’ve found an example here: http://docs.macchina.cc/m2/technical-references/interfaces.html#can but not much more.

Have I missed something or the’s no simple quickstart examples people who haven’t used the board before and don’t want to spend just to see if their car actually works well with Macchina.

Hey there, you are right, we need to post up some more write-ups and tutorials of simple examples - that will be our main focus over the next couple of weeks. We’ll be posting those here:


In the meantime, other than CAN logging, what other examples would everyone like to see?

Maybe I am just missing it, but I can’t find the remote start example code any more. I was just looking for examples to start playing with after I did the basics of making the LEDs blink. It was like helloWorld for the M2.

We should do a better job at documenting the Arduino convention of including examples with libraries. All of the libraries we bundle with the Macchina Boards package and most (all?) on the show case include examples.

When a library is installed you can access these libraries through the Arduino IDE. Go to File -> Examples to find them. Be sure to choose the “Macchina M2” board first and you will see a section titled “Examples for Macchina M2” with all the bundled libraries. Additional libraries you install yourself are likely to appear under “Examples from Custom Libraries.”

I now noticed that there are some examples in Arduino File > Examples ( I’ve installed due_wire manually ). I’ll look through them since it seems that there are SD car examples. I haven’t seen them before. This is great!

Regarding your question @josh i think that some sort of example on how to interface with python can serial would be great but this is not really for Macchina getting started.


I’ve made a Vagrant box with a collection of tools for learning CAN development with support for Macchina M2 programming - the Arduino IDE is already set up and configured for it. It’s still in quite early development stage but maybe it will be useful for someone.

It’s available at https://github.com/1am/CANToolsLinux

If you see any tools which could be useful then please let me know via github issues. The goal is to make a single portable box with all essential tools to easily work with CAN software and hardware without the need to manually install everything on different computers and platforms.