Hi all, first post here from a mechanic starting a new project…I only mention that as I’m reaally NOT a coder
Right, I have an M2, fresh GVRET build and fresh SavvyCan install on windows 10; the car I’m connecting to has a 500k HS and a 125k MS CAN, both of which I would like to read.
Everything suggests my set up should do this no problem…
I use the connection window in SavvyCan to connect to the M2, does this no problem and lists 3 buses, I select and enable can0 as 500k, and can1 as 125k.
But I only get packets from bus/can0 on the screen when connected.
The bus speeds are definitely correct (checked with Picoscope) and there is definitely traffic at the DLC connector on both buses - again, scoped.
Any ideas where I can go next?
Thanks everyone,