So I’ve been refining bits and pieces with the code. Couple big problems I still have:
Boot time - if I open the door and key on, it’s ok, but if I left the door open for any measurable amount of time, I have to insert the key, count to 3, then turn it. If I don’t do this, I set a series of messages.
12VIO current monitoring does not play at all with a car’s fluctuating voltage system? I have it set to re-enable the instant it trips in my code, and if I were to print that to my serial monitor, it’s constantly tripping on very small currents. Not good.
12VIO seems to take significant resources to turn on/off a pin? For example, if vehicle speed is above 0.5kph, I am changing the frequency on the output pwm pin. But if speed drops below that, I have the 12VIO turn that pin off. When that happens, my CAN messages all dropout for 500ms or so, which lights up the dash.
If anyone has any thoughts on these things, it would be greatly appreciated!