Hello. I was just wondering if there is support or if anyone is working on J2534 support. Basically if I don’t have to write, but rather can contribute to a project that is already started, I would like to, or if someone could point me in the right direction, that would be sweet.
Also, let’s say this device where to be used with a program that could work on multiple protocols and wants to talk to a device capable of the same via USB, where would I find some docs on how to do that? Like, how do I communicate with the m2 via USB? Just via serial with SocketCAN or something? Or if there something out there with legit USB support? SocketCAN is fine with me, if needed. But if the thing I want to talk to is NOT CAN-bus compatible (say, VPW), do I have to change the sketch, or can these libraries be used to make a sort of all-in-one library that can talk to a bunch of different protocols (considering they are all running on different OBD2 pins, then I would think they wouldn’t interfere with one another).
Sorry for buggin ya, just documentation is slim pickins as far as I can see