I use Busmaster for all of my other CAN interfaces and was curious if anyone knows if the M2 will work with it.
Busmaster has native support for a number of devices and protocols so I thought there might be a chance.
I’m well aware of BusMaster and think it’s a very feature complete and interesting program. I’ve used it in the past as I do have Kvaser hardware. Now, the problem is that BusMaster really only supports the more “professional” tools so far as I can tell. Since it is built for Windows it can’t use socketcan compatible drivers either to increase support breadth. Really, I don’t see the M2 ever being supported. I’m partly to blame for this. I’d be the most likely person to add support and “I don’t wanna.” And, I went and wrote a different cross platform program so I wouldn’t have to. So, I won’t be adding support to BusMaster. Maybe someone else could but will they? I doubt it. There is some glimmer of hope, though. I might add J2534 support to the M2RET firmware at some point. In that case the M2 would magically be compatible with a range of J2534 tools. Now, I don’t see support for J2534 in BusMaster. Maybe it is in there, I don’t know. If so that might be an option.
Fair enough! I just figured I would ask.
I also use Busmaster with my Kvaser devices so I guess I’ll keep doing that for now.