CAN library does not return RTR [solved]

I notice due_can declares a variable in which to hold RTR, but that variable is never populated.
This bug exists in (as far as I can tell) every version of the library.

I have patched the (6 month old) version of the library (as linked from the M2 Git repo), but it is not obvious how to properly fork/pullRq/submit the patch …So. If you want to know if a CAN device is requesting data, here’s the patch:

  • Open C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\macchina\hardware\sam\0.2.1\libraries\due_can\due_can.cpp
    …If you’re not using Windows - you’re just going to have to go hunting for that file - sorry.

  • Search for the string “fid” [Family ID] …there’s only one occurence of this string in this file:
    rxframe->fid = m_pCan->CAN_MB[uc_index].CAN_MFID;

  • Just after/before/near ^that^, line add this line:
    rxframe->rtr = (m_pCan->CAN_MB[uc_index].CAN_MSR & CAN_MSR_MRTR) ? 1 : 0 ;

  • That’s it, you can now identify Remote Transmit Request packets with something like:
    if (frame.rtr) rtrHandler(frame) ;

  • If you like diff files, enjoy this:

--- C:\original\due_can.cpp	2018-03-03 15:35:22.000000000 -0000
+++ C:\rtr_fix\due_can.cpp	2018-03-03 15:38:02.000000000 -0000
@@ -1026,12 +1026,13 @@
 		rxframe->id = (ul_id  >> CAN_MID_MIDvA_Pos) & 0x7ffu;
 		rxframe->extended = false;
 	rxframe->fid = m_pCan->CAN_MB[uc_index].CAN_MFID;
 	rxframe->length = (ul_status & CAN_MSR_MDLC_Msk) >> CAN_MSR_MDLC_Pos;
     rxframe->time   = (ul_status & CAN_MSR_MTIMESTAMP_Msk);
+    rxframe->rtr    = (m_pCan->CAN_MB[uc_index].CAN_MSR & CAN_MSR_MRTR) ? 1 : 0;
     ul_datal = m_pCan->CAN_MB[uc_index].CAN_MDL;
 	ul_datah = m_pCan->CAN_MB[uc_index].CAN_MDH;
 	rxframe->data.high = ul_datah;
 	rxframe->data.low = ul_datal;```

…of course, didn’t really consider it at first, but now we need to work out how to Transmit RTR as well