I wanted to start a fresh thread on this since with J1850VPW now working I want to start looking towards full ELM327 / STN compatibility. At the same time I will be building in full Lawicel 2.0 support as I go.
For those that don’t know the difference. STN is an extension from the standard ELM327 protocol. The reason for this is that with this compatibility the M2 will work with ANY ODBII software.
This thread is to track that progress.
So I want to compile information about the different protocols in this thread as I research the work I will need to do. My ultimate goal is to be able to use an M2 in place of my Scantool cable to run the software I already own. This can be expanded upon once it is done.
I am looking for links to working projects so I can look at implementing them.
Canbus/Swcan will be taken from Collin’s github at collin88
J1850VPW I will put up my own repository based off Ben’s modified library at redheadedrod/j1850
Any others?
Thanks ahead of time!
Probably should have a wiki page somewhere or something that has links to all known projects related to the M2 to make it easy to track them.