Arduino code for starting a car

So, the thing that attracted me to the Macchina in the first place is the story in one of the Kickstarter updates about someone starting a Tahoe. I happen to have a Tahoe and wanted to test this out. However, the code provided apparently (deliberately?) does not work. This is stated “The generalized Arduino code we used to start his car is here.”

So, do you have the actual code that was used to start the Tahoe? All of the ID’s are set to 9999 in the example.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Collaboration on CAN Frame Decoding

Why we did that is explained here. If I remember correctly someone shared the actual ids in the comments of that update and some tweaks that improved upon the code we used.

Can you point the exact location of this info out? I looked in the comments section and there is no data there. Why is project on github non-functional (full of 999’s for ALL of the IDs)?

I would like to drop the project onto the Macchina and try it with a variety of GM products sitting here.

Does this code not really exist? It’s the sole reason for purchasing the developer Macchina!

You can reverse engineer this information relatively easily. If your vehicle starts from the keyfob you can sniff the codes directly. If not then find someone that their vehicle does and sniff their codes… Take less than half hour to do. If you don’t have any friends with same vehicle go test drive a used one and make them think your doing it to buy one… Your not going to hurt the vehicle scanning it…

Or the codes are out there if you google search you might get lucky…

redheadedrod - the very reason why I purchased the Macchina in the first place is because of the Kickstarter video showing the Macchina starting a Tahoe. This was one of the biggest features that was touted during the campaign. I want this exact code that was used to start the Tahoe. I would have never purchased this product, and chose to develop on it had I not seen this video. My company manufacturers the longest range 2.4GHz device available, and my plan was to make a replacement bi-directional keyfob that you can get info on and do things like start your car while inside the movie theater (its 120 degrees here in the summer), have the car notify you of an alarm, etc.

The “start your car project” on github is complete, except for the IDs used to wake up the system, start the car, lock/unlock the car, etc. I would like that code to work so I can use it as a basis for my development. I believe I can sell a lot of Macchinas and keyfobs.

So get the onstar app for your phone. Its free for 3 years, and you can start it from a LOT further away than a parking lot…

Or just sniff the bus and figure it out yourself. The RCDLR is node address $B0. Log messages on SWCAN coming from $B0 and hit the remote start on your key fob.

Seriously, its NOT that hard… I would think, especially for someone who works at a company that “manufactures the longest range 2.4 GHz devices available”.

If you truly are creating after market items in large quantities GM DOES allow you to buy into the information for a price…

Other wise RE is the best way. Macchina don’t want to post actual codes as they see it as a possible liability. Really it is simple to sniff yourself. Just need a vehicle you are trying to emulate. I plan to do this with both of my vehicles using a Drone Mobile setup.

The Onstar App is only available for 2011 and newer but the codes should be similar.

Also, there is not one simple code procedure that will work with all vehicles. You have to reverse engineer each vehicle you want to provide support for or gain aftermarket production support from any manufacturers you are interested in. You may get lucky and some vehicles share the same sequence of codes but without testing you won’t know for sure.

[quote]Seriously, its NOT that hard… I would think, especially for someone who works at a company that “manufactures the longest range 2.4 GHz devices available”.

That’s not the point. It clearly states in the Kickstarter description that the code used for “M2 starts a car!” project would be provided for M2 users, and it’s not - so technically, that’s false advertising. I wonder why this code was deliberately omitted? When I emailed Josh about this, he claimed that all of the info (IDs) required was contained in the comments section - that is not the case. If there was a liability concern, then say so… don’t deceive developers.

We shared enough of the code that a developer should be able to take what we have and figure out the ids quickly. On top of that someone PM’d me telling me they shared the ID’s with you. I compared what they sent me and it was the same thing we used. We did share the code and we have made our reasons for omitting parts of it clear. I’m not sure what else we or anyone in this community can do for you.

I obtained the various IDs via sniffing the bus, and yes, I also received examples from several users here and via email. You have never stated the reason for omitting the IDs, so that has never been made clear. I am interested in purchasing these in bulk, is there some concern here?

I am glad to hear the community came together to help you out.

I stated our reasons here:

Seriously dude?

This is marketed as a DIY piece of HARDWARE for users to explore their car and develop their own software, hacks, and tricks.

It was never intended as a consumer/commercial product for an end user to “plug and play” and do everything right out of the box. You’re TOTALLY missing the point.

It seems that you’re simply just bent out of shape because you were under the impression you could buy something “ready to go” and all finished out of the box, mark it up $100, and turn around and sell it without having to do any of your own R&D.

That would be like buying a set of socket wrenches at Sears, and then getting pissed that they didnt also include instructions for rebuilding your cars engine along with the sockets. Wtf??

Do your own homework, get your own hands dirty, spend a couple dozen hours of your own time, and figure it out…its much more fun/rewarding profiting off of your own hard work instead of someone elses anyway.


You also realize you’re re-inventing the wheel…right?

Considering the onstar app is free for 3 years, and does all of that stuff already.

For 2011 or newer vehicles it is free… Older vehicles are not compatible with the app. (Have heard some people say the 2010 trucks are compatible but not 100% sure.)

But as I already stated earlier even if you have the codes for the truck they will likely be different for different vehicles and likely to be different from model year to model year.

I may just have to play with the idea of setting up a DIY setup for people who want to use the M2 to control their vehicle. I already am paying for a host I am not using so wouldn’t be a big stretch. Just need a cellular connection…


You can swap in the onstar module from a 2011-2014 truck/SUV and then itll work on the earlier 2007-2010 trucks/SUV’s.

They’re pretty cheap on ebay.

The messages arent different. All 2007-2014 GM trucks/SUV’s use the same CAN structure, messaging, etc. If something works on a 2007 tahoe, it’ll work on a 2013 silverado too…

tahoe, suburban, escalade, sierra, yukon, silverado, etc…they’re all the same interior/electrical architecture.


Interesting… People have done this with the CTS which same generation from 2008-2013 and have reported that using a 2011 VCIM in older CTS’s don’t return fully reasonable numbers for everything but close enough to make it worth while. So some of the codes between model years on CTS’s are different or somehow the VCIM translates them differently. Would have expected the same for the trucks too.

For individuals just approaching this that want to find the codes they need, Chapter 5 in the Car Hacker’s Handbook has a pretty good guide on how to do such things. Some adaptation will be required because the book pre-dates the M2 and is not M2 specific. I linked within the chapter about to where it starts giving the steps about record and playback.