2 switches SW1 SW2 what are they for?

i know this is another dumb question…but what are the 2 switches for? not the reset and erase but SW1 and SW2? Are schematics for the M2 somewhere?

Thanks again

What do you want them to be for? They’re general switches that a sketch could read. So, it depends on what your sketch needs to do. If you have a use for buttons then there are two of them for you. If you have no use for buttons then ignore them. :wink:

Yep, see macchina/m2-hardware on GitHub. Assuming you have the release/retail M2 (not the M2-B beta board) you will want the files with R3 in the name. I just submitted a PR to try to make the layout of this repository clearer, so file names may change to become obvious).