Setting up M2RET on M2

Is it similar to the one I’m getting?

Hi Adam
I have corrected the issue in Arduino_Due_SD_HSMCI.cpp.
This may raise the issue that we may need 3 defines for the Macchina (1 common define for both MacchinaM2 & MacchinaM2(Beta) __MacchinaM2) plus an additional define for each MacchinaM2 to clearley define which M2 we are compiling for i.e. _MacchinaM2_Base for the standard M2 & __MacchinaM2_Beta for the Beta version.

As it stands now if the end user selects MacchinaM2 (Beta) then M2RET will compile using Arduino_Due_SD_HSMCI.cpp using standard DUE pin assignments & not work correctly. By having 1 common define & 2 unique defines this will eliminate this error.
Your thoughts

No. But I think the error you posted may have been an additional error that was in the list, so I would not be surprised this was the root cause of your issue.

I think you might be right there that a single defines could be useful. In this particular case, I believe you set the define in the libraries header so I don’t think there is an issue between the two boards. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Hi Collin
Have completed changes to M2RET.ino, sysio.cpp & sysio.h to get ADC/DMA functioning along with M2I/O functioning optionally with or without M2_12VIO library. Have uploaded to you M2RET git for comment & possible inclusion
Appreciate your comments