Aaaaaaa… …choo!!
Oh sorry, probably its the weather. 
Ok, i am by no means an expert…Please dont ask how i know these. I cant say. Its top secret stuff. 
No seriously, i am no expert.
But please do ask any questions, if you want to.
J2534 is an SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) protocol, created under the right to repair act, aiming to break the monopoly of dealerships.
After passing the court and law of right to repair, a unified protocol was created compiling a new dll covering the following:
ISO14230 (KWP2000)
CAN (ISO11898)
SAE J2610
J1939 (since 2005)
Note that each manufacturer has a J2534 API (Application Programming Interface) dll (Dynamic Link Library). If you want to search it up and mess around a bit with. Trust me, it can swallow your time without you noticing as you mess around.
The standard has two sub-standards to it (well actually its three, J2534 included), J2534-1 and J2534-2.
So basically simply put, what it does is unifying in a way all the current communication protocols that were made from manufacturers.
With this said though, J2534 interfaces is by no means equal to OEM’s interface.
J2534 interfaces are pretty much used under a paid license of the OEM software, which then can control automatically the interface.
Again, with this said, this means that the software can ask the interface to play dead while fetching a stick.
J2534 in simultaneous communications most of the times falls short.
For example (i am located in EU), BMW online system while going through any type of programmings, using the OEM interface, especially on Fxx and Gxx series vehicles, can set to bootloader, program, code, restore user specific data (radio stations, seat memories etc) in multiple ecus (average of 50 control units give or take a couple), all at the same time.
Just looking at the screen doing its thing, is absolutely terrifying.
If you ask this from a J2534 interface (again i am in EU which means full coverage on ecus not just emissions like in US), it will just simply fall short. Not only by the multitasking, but on the protocols as well.
There is no interface out there that will cover it all on all manufacturers. Nope. If one was manufactured, then everyone including the manufacturers would use that. Plus there are new protocols available now that J2534 interfaces don’t have due to hardware limitations.
IF you managed to read thus far…

I would happily share any knowledge i have with you guys.
Just @ me on your post and i can reply to anything i can and know (and have the time to do so) .